Fair Review

Fine Art Asia October 2021

''Chong · Exposure'' September 2021

September 2021

May 2021

November 2020

Our Booth Location 
B10, Hall 3FG, Old Wing  

I would like to take a moment to thank our team for working so hard for every art piece in the past two years. Also I am beyond thankful for my friend to recommend me to join this exhibition.
I would like to recognize one person in particular who has been an benefactor to me in the in the past 21years. Without his continued support, Chong Ho Art Jewelry would never be able to be launched.
I have met some friends and art collectors in this exhibition, they have been very supportive to local design and production, I am very grateful for their advice and I benefited a lot from them.
Chong Ho Art Jewelry will continue to work hard and strives to preserve traditional craftsmanship.
Chong Ho-June 30th 2020